So my earlier post says that I will be moving to Boston in the fall. Well I am still moving but it will be in the next 2 to 3 months!!!!!!!
I'm sooo excited!! Not sure how the apartment hunting will go but I
diffidently know that job hunting will be better. I am going to buy a car and drive over!
I'm soo excited!!! I cant wait!!! I will need care packages with
Tims Cascade Chips and
Johnny's Salad Elegance!
lol And this is also a Sign. There is an
Ikea 15 min from the town School is in!!!! That is the right place for me lol I believe that is the closest one in like the 6 surrounding states! Sign BIG sign lol. I cant believe that my life is changing this much in such a short period of time!!! Im completly nervous.. This is the biggest change ive done! and to the other side of the country! Im leaving all my family and friends (But all are welcome to come visit!). I am starting a New Chapter of my life and Cant wait to start writing it :)